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Bioconcentration, hyperaccumulation, mining, phytoremediationAbstract
Mining activities lead to the accumulation of mine waste in different ecosystems. There are chromium deposits and a processing plant in the Aladağ district of Adana province, and therefore there are mining wastes around the area. In this study, the accumulation and translocation potential of heavy metals in relatively abundant plants in a chromium mining area was investigated. Aethionema spicatum, Alyssum alyssoides, Alyssum floribundum, Alyssum oxycarpum, Thlaspi oxyceras, Convolvulus compactus, Onosma cappadocica, and Salvia multicaulis were examined. Heavy metal analyses (Cr, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Fe) were performed in different plant parts and rhizosphere soils. Plants were evaluated for the accumulation and translocation of heavy metals using bioconcentration and translocation factor equations. Ae. spicatum, A. floribundum, A. oxycarpum, and T. oxyceras (known as hyperaccumulators for nickel) were observed in chromium mining areas, and it was found that they had high concentrations of nickel. However, they could not accumulate or translocate to above-ground parts other heavy metals as much as nickel. Some plants were noteworthy with BCF and TF values of lower than one: Ae. Spicatum for Cr and Fe, A. alyssoides for Cu and Fe, A. floribundum for Zn, A. oxycarpum for Cu, O. cappadocica for Cu, S. multicaulis for Cr, Ni, Co, Mn, Cu and Fe. Also, T. oxyceras and C. compactus have higher concentrations of all metals analyzed in their aerial parts (only in the stem or leaves or both) than in their roots. The abundance of these plants in the region and their unresponsiveness to related heavy metals suggest that these plants may be indicators, and they may be used for planting in disturbed mining lands.
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