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  • Blé Yatanan Casimir Man University
  • Zouh Bi Zahouli Faustin
  • Emanfo Alex Stephane Affian
  • Dadie Adjehi


Fasciolosis, cattle, prevalence, Man abattoir


A study was carried out in 2023 to examine for infection with Fasciola spp. during the routine inspection of the meat of 630 cattle that were slaughtered at the abattoir in Man.This study aimed to provide the first data on Fasciola gigantica in cattle from the Man abattoir. Out of the 630 cattle examined, 171 (27.1%) were males and 459 (72.9) were females. The results showed that out of 630 cattle examined at post mortem, 19.4% (122) were positive for fasciolosis. F. gigantica prevalence was 18.9% and 20.5% in females and males, respectively. Young cattle (2-4 years) were more contaminated (22.1%). There was no statistically significant association between infection and age and between infection and sex of the cattle sampled (


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How to Cite

Casimir, B. Y., Zahouli Faustin, Z. B. ., Alex Stephane Affian, E., & Adjehi, D. (2024). DISTRIBUTION OF FASCIOLA GIGANTICA IN CATTLE SLAUGHTERED IN MAN ABATTOIR, WESTERN OF CÔTE D’IVOIRE. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 18(3), 287–295. Retrieved from https://jabsonline.org/index.php/jabs/article/view/1339


